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Hessian Hammerstall (Pfanndeckel)

Hessian Hammerstall (Pfanndeckel)


If you are a Hessian reenactor looking for an authentic firearms safety device then look no further! This "Pfanndeckel" or hammerstall as we call them in English, simulates the Russia leather that was specified to be used in the 1767 Hessian Infantry Regulations. Bundles of Russia leather, easily identified by its reddish-brown color and distinct diamond texture, were found in the 1786 shipwreck of the Metta Catharina. The unique tanning process kept the leather in usable condition even after centuries underwater!


"Auf die Gewehre sollen allezeit Pfanndeckel von rothem juchten Leder sein"

(A pan cover of red Russia leather shall be on the muskets at all times)


Sizes are large (fits most muskets and largerJäger locks) and small (folwers, pistols, rifles, and smaller jäger locks). If you aren't sure which size you need please ask! Custom sizes available on request.

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